District Court New South Wales

Delegated powers of registrars - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005

Under s.13 of the  Civil Procedure Act 2005, I direct that the Principal Registrar, registrars for proclaimed places and assistant registrars may exercise the powers conferred by the legislation listed in column 1 and described in column 2, but subject to any restriction listed in column 3.

The Hon. S Huggett
Chief Judge
5 June 2024

Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005

Rule Description Restriction if applicable
Rule 1.12 Extension and abridgment of time N/A
Rule 2.1 Directions for the conduct of proceedings N/A
Rule 2.3 (except (k) & (I)) Directions for the conduct of proceedings N/A
Rule 5.2 Discovery to ascertain prospective defendant's identity or whereabouts N/A
Rule 5.3 Discovery of documents from prospective defendant N/A
Rule 5.4 Discovery of documents from other persons N/A
Rule 5.8 Costs and other expenses N/A
Rule 6.1 No step without originating process or notice of appearance N/A
Rule 6.16 Alteration of return day in summons N/A
Rule 6.18 Joinder of causes of action N/A
Rule 6.19 Proceedings involving common questions of law or fact N/A
Rule 6.20 Proceedings affecting persons having joint entitlement N/A
Rule 6.24 Court may join party if joinder proper or necessary N/A
Rule 6.27 Joinder on application of third party N/A
Rule 6.29 Removal of parties by order N/A
Rule 6.30 Effect of certain changes on proceedings N/A
Rule 6.32 Orders as to future conduct of proceedings N/A
Rule 7.3 Leave to issue Subpoena. N/A
Rule 8.1 Venue at which proceedings to be heard N/A
Rule 8.2 Change of venue generally N/A
Rule 8.3 Part not to apply to orders for examination N/A
Rule 10.14 Orders for substituted service and informal service generally N/A
Rule 15.10 Orders for particulars N/A
Rule 16 (except subrule 10) Entry of default judgments N/A
Rule 19.1- 19.6 Orders for the amendment of documents N/A
Rule 20.12 Orders for the rehearing of actions referred to arbitration N/A
Rule 20.34 (3) Entry of judgment pursuant to an acknowledgement of a liquidated claim N/A
Rule 21.2 Orders for discovery N/A
Rule 22.1 and 22.4 Orders to answer interrogatories N/A
Rule 23.4 Orders for medical examination N/A
Rule 23.8 (1)(a)-(e) Orders for the inspection of property etc N/A
Rule 28.5 Orders that matters be consolidated or heard together N/A
Rule 31.19 and 31.20 (Delegation amended 16.11.07) Court's power to direct the service of experts' reports Restricted to directions for the service of experts' reports for the preparation of timetables for the case management of matters. This delegation does not extend to directions in relation to court-appointed experts (rule 31.46) and parties' single experts (rule 31.37)
Rule 33.2 Issuing of subpoena N/A
Rule 33.3 Form of subpoena N/A
Rule 33.8 Directions in relation to the removal, return, inspection, copying and disposal of subpoenaed material N/A
Rule 36.1
(Amendment to delegation 22/1/07)
General power to make orders as the nature of the case requires Order may be made by consent - to be consented to:
(a) by the parties to the application for the order; and
(b) by any other persons who will be required to comply with the order or to suffer anything to be done under the order
Rule 36.1A
(Amendment to delegation 17/4/07)
(Amendment to delegation 8/7/10, removal of column 3 restriction)
Court's power to give judgment, or order that judgment be entered, in the terms of an agreement between the parties in relation to the proceedings between them N/A
Rule 36.16  Orders setting aside a judgment entered under Part 16 N/A
Rule 36.17 Correction of judgment or order (slip rule) N/A
Rule 36.18 Orders for the variation of a judgment or order against a party operating under an unregistered business name N/A
Rule 37.1 Orders in accordance with instalment agreement N/A
Rule 37.4 Determination of objection to instalment order or to an order refusing an instalment application N/A
Rule 38.2 - 4 Determination of applications for orders for examination (see section 108 Civil Procedure Act 2005) N/A
Rule 38.5 and 38.6 Conducting an examination of a judgment debtor and the authorisation of issue of notice of judgment debtor under rule 38.6 N/A
Rule 39.1 Orders for leave to issue writ of execution N/A
Rule 39.2 Orders in respect of the issue of writs of execution N/A
Rules 39.34, 39.35 and 39.38 Orders in respect of the issue of garnishee orders N/A
Rules 42.7 Orders that costs in interlocutory applications by payable before the conclusion of the proceedings N/A

See also delegated powers under the Civil Procedure Act 2005.

Last updated:

01 Jul 2024

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